The Standish Historic Depot has taken over the Standish Kiwanis Club Nut Sale as a Fund-Raising
Event. These nuts have been sold by the Kiwanis for over 20 years. As the numbers of club
members has declined, the Depot was offered the opportunity to take over the sales. The
Standish Historic Depot is a nonprofit 501(c)3 intergovernmental agency that operates solely on
donations and fund raising. The proceeds from the nut sale will go toward our general
operations for lights, heat, and to support our community events.
This 2.25 lbs. can includes an assortment of roasted and lightly seasoned Almonds, Cashews,
Pecans, Brazil Nuts and Pistachios.  No peanuts! This is great for the Holiday’s— to serve or as
gift. The price is $25 per can. All proceeds go directly to the Depot.

The nuts are available by contacting the Standish Depot (989-718-3021) and at select
Businesses in the area, OR email at [email protected] OR contact a Depot member.